There we were, once again, searching
the streets of New York for a homemade, high-quality,
affordable baked sweet treat. The kind we loved,
craved-and made-as kids. But try though
we might, we couldn't find it. The inconceivable
struck-it just wasn't there.
Until now.
Jay+Dan was created to bring
back an era in baking in
which ingredients were never compromised, goods
made to order-never frozen, or preserved-and the
was always fair.
And for us, Jay+Dan is more
than a business. It’s even
more than a dream come true. It's a calling. Something
we were literally born to do. And, as it happens,
something our customers have been waiting for
all along.
We hope you enjoy what you see on our site. And as always, we wish you peace, love and Freshly Baked Bliss™.
